resources for
st. augustine
"To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances;
to seek Him, the greatest adventure;
to find Him, the greatest human achievement."

Welcome to the Office of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Toronto! Because religious communities have their own separate vocation directors, discerning a possible call to consecrated life can involve a lot of research on the part of the individual discerning. One resource that consolidates information about various communities is the Council of Major Superiors of Women Religious. Closer to home, check out this list of religious communities in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
Assisting men with their discernment of diocesan priesthood is the primary mandate of any diocesan vocations office. As such, the majority of resources on this website are geared toward men discerning diocesan priesthood. However, a great number of them are equally relevant for women discerning any vocation.
To begin, the main article on our discernment page is relevant for any discerning person. If you scroll down, you'll find back issues of our Discernment Newsletter, nearly half of which contain articles universal in their content: vocation basics, discipleship, the role of prayer, making a gift of oneself, celibacy, and the four voices in discernment.
For further reading, the books pictured below can be of great help in the discernment process.
Contact our office if we can help you get a copy.

Furthermore, the Office of Vocations offers programs for young people to assist in their discernment process. Our Totus Tuus Summer Program is an opportunity for university-age women and men to put their love for Jesus in action. The life of a Totus Tuus missionary is marked by prayer and service, fully giving of oneself to God and neighbor. It has proven to be a powerful experience for missionaries as they journey to discover how the Lord is inviting them into a specific state of life.
Your vocation is an important gift to the whole Church. Please contact us if we can further assist in your discernment process.