A Daily Prayer Commitment​
Prayer changes everything. The Office of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Toronto warmly invites you to join the St. Joseph Vocation Society, a voluntary daily prayer commitment for vocations. There are no dues or meetings. In gratitude for your daily prayers for vocations, the Archdiocesan Director of Vocations will remember you in a monthly mass.
Dear Friends,
The life of St. Joseph bears remarkable witness to the mystery of God’s call. St. Joseph faithfully adhered to God’s will and lovingly took Mary as his wife, thus becoming the unique guardian of God’s own Son made man. Never wavering from what had been made known to him by the angel, St. Joseph steadfastly persevered in his vocation despite serious hardships in the young life of the Holy Family. Present at the critical stages of Jesus' early life from his birth and presentation in the temple to his hidden years in Nazareth, St. Joseph is shown as that just man who surrendered his life in obedience, chastity, and faith to the Incarnate Son of God and our Lady. The aura of silence with which Sacred Scripture surrounds St. Joseph reveals the inner portrait of a man of deep contemplation, whose intimate communion with the Christ-Child makes him a model of holiness to us all.
St. Joseph dedicated himself to the care and upbringing of God’s own Son on his way to embrace and fulfill his saving mission. This special commitment of St. Joseph leads me to believe that his powerful intercession will accompany all those who have set out to embrace God’s call as he will be an inspiring patron to all those who pray and work for vocations in our archdiocese.
The St. Joseph Vocation Society brings together those who wish to promote vocations in the most important way possible - through prayer! It strengthens their resolve, multiplies their efforts, raises awareness, and thus builds a culture of vocations. Members offer prayers and sacrifices for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and, in addition, pray for the grace of perseverance for those who are in formation in seminaries and religious communities as well as for the holiness of those already ordained and professed. Together, our work will bear much fruit.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Chris Lemieux
Director, Office of Vocations
Archdiocese of Toronto
We know that prayer changes things, so we are indebted to your daily prayer commitment for vocations.
Let us know you're praying so that we can remember you in a monthly Mass celebrated by the
Archdiocesan Director of Vocations.